Absolute Dogs- Sexier Than a Squirrel Challenge
So what is this Sexier than a Squirrel Challenge you ask?
Learn how to train your dog to choose YOU over distraction through simple 3-Minute GAMES!
Get 25 days of exclusive Absolute Dogs training, for $35.00. That's a little more than $1.00 a day!
You’ll receive your exclusive invite via email immediately after payment!
1. 25 days of dog training for just over a $1 a day!
2. Exclusive online video tuition from Absolute Dogs
3. Along with the 25 day course Pawsitively Yours Dog Training will offer support and guidance alongside the challenges
absolute Dogs -10 days to Stop Barking

Do you have a dog who barks at everything?
* Other dogs - bark bark bark!
* A knock on the door - bark bark bark!
* Visitors - bark bark bark!* Strange noises - bark bark bark!
* Unusual objects you encounter on walks - bark bark bark!
* Strangers - bark bark bark!
If your dog thinks everything is their business and likes to tell you all about it or responds to things that worry or excite them by barking, you may be feeling a little frazzled. Restore peace to your household! As an Absolute DOGS Pro Dog Partner, I'm excited to share Absolute DOGS BRAND-NEW 10 Days to Stop Barking mini course!
​Everything you need to crack that barking struggle and restore peace and quiet to your household.
* Fun, practical strategies and games to help your dog become less vocal and prevent inappropriate barking.
* Insightful lessons to help you understand what might be motivating your dog's barking and learn how the magic of games can make unwanted barking a thing of the past.
* In-depth demonstrations from students and dogs of all stages and experience levels under the expert guidance of Absolute Dogs trainers!
* Top tips and strategies you can start implementing right away.
* Lifetime access.
* Video captions
Are you ready to help your dog access their inner calm and turn the volume down on your barking struggles? Jump into the 10 Days to Stop Barking mini course here!

Jumping Up Struggles?? 🙈
It’s embarrassing right?
absolute Dogs 10 Days to STOP Jumping

NEW Stop Jumping Mini Course from Absolute Dogs!
There aren’t many people who DON’T have jumping up struggles! Are you one of them? Dog surfing on the kitchen counter? Jumping up on strangers? All over you? This step-by-step course will have you covered.
This supercharged, value-packed struggle-focused mini-course (and by struggle-focused, I mean solution-focused!) tackles keeping four paws on the floor head on!
For the AMAZING price of just $36 USD you are going to get a deep dive into:
WHY dogs jump and how to give a dog the gift of calmness, establish rock-solid boundaries and set your dog up for a lifetime of success
How transformational your own mindset shift can be when you flip thinking about what you don’t want into what you DO want instead!
Management strategies and solutions to get your training off to the best start!
How to skill up your dog to ace having visitors in your home and how to train your guests to be the perfect training assistants (yes, you read that right! 🤣) and set your dog up for success!
And the list keeps going...
I’m always here to answer any questions you have - just message me anytime! allison.pydt@gmail.com
absolute Dogs- 10 days to Stop Pulling

Does your dog pull on the leash as if their life depends on it? Do you have sore arms and shoulders after your walks??
We’re going to let you in on a little secret… Stress-free walks, where you aren’t getting your arm pulled off at every step, aren’t a far-fetched dream. In fact, with the power of games-based training, loose leash walking can be a part of your everyday reality!
We’re excited to share a brand new mini-course from AbsoluteDOGS: Stop Pulling!
Turn your pulling on leash struggles to strengths!
This is THE challenge that will have you waving goodbye to a dog that pulls on leash and saying hello to a dog who is laser focused on you, loves to stick close to you and who has beautiful loose leash walking skills!
For the AMAZING price of just $36USD, you are going to get:
A mini-course that will arm you with everything you need to achieve loose-leash walking success!
A series of Game Up videos, demonstrating practical games to train your dog in just a few minutes a day and set them up for the total transformation of real-life results success!
A series of Skill Up videos, where you get to geek out and learn all about how games-based training can reshape your dog’s brain and help you achieve amazing loose-leash walking skills, regardless of your dog’s age, breed or history!
Terrific troubleshooting top tips on all the most common pulling on leash struggles faced by dog owners all over the world!
Lifetime access to the course – so you can play again and again, as often as you want!
Did you know that transforming your dog's loose-leash walking skills can have a ripple effect on the rest of their behavior? Join us in this challenge and make today DAY ONE of creating the picture of the walk you've always dreamt of!
Are you ready? Jump into the Stop Pulling mini-course here!